Unofficial SEO Blog Renamed as PageTraffic Blog!

We got ourselves a new name! We have moved the Unofficial SEO blog to PageTraffic Blog. This decision comes in the wake of the following considerations:

1. Name of The Blog Vs Content of The Blog

For almost 2 years Unofficial SEO Blog dealt with a variety of issues, such as Analytics, Link Building, PPC, Usability etc, some of which lay beyond the scope of “Search Engine Optimization.” Consequently, the title “Unofficial SEO blog” and the content were not in sync with each other. The PageTraffic Blog would focus more on how to get more visitors on your site from search engines, social media, link building (related news, views, tips, tricks, advice, etc.)

2. A Business Decision

This move has also been a business decision, as a step towards uniform branding. Since we already own so why not have a related blog and hence

How we executed the move?

Some of the readers might be interested to know how we made the move and the precautions we took from Search Engines’ point of view so as not to lose the rankings and subscribers.

Here is a rundown on what all we did:

  1. Moved whole of MYSQL database and files from to
  2. 301 in header so that each of the older post (url) redirects to corresponding new url. Try searching in Google for google mobile software right now Unofficial SEO Blog url is ranked No.2. Click on it and you will understand how it’s working
  3. Checked header status at so as to see if the correct response code is being returned.
  4. Manually searched and clicked listing of the (few random pages) in Google, to reconfirm the redirection.
  5. Updated Blog URL in feedburner, while keeping the feed url same as earlier i.e.
  6. Updated the URL at Google Analytics
  7. Submitted and verified sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools
  8. Updated the URL at Mybloglog
  9. Made a record of indexed pages and backlinks in all three search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo!) for both sites ( and

So keep reading and learning all about getting traffic to your site!

Navneet Kaushal
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