Hyphen Vs Underscore In URL: Which Is Better For SEO?

Deciding between hyphens and underscores in URLs is a small but consequential aspect of website design, significantly influencing user navigation and search engine interpretation of site content. This debate over “Hyphen vs. Underscore in URLs” is not just about aesthetics; it’s about the underlying mechanics of internet browsing and SEO.

While both hyphens and underscores serve as word separators in URLs, their subtle differences can impact readability, SEO performance, and compatibility across different systems and platforms. The webmaster and SEO communities have long discussed these distinctions, spurred by insights from industry experts like Matt Cutts, former head of Google’s Spam Team. Cutts indicated that Google processes hyphens and underscores differently, recommending hyphens for creating new URLs, which has fueled ongoing analysis and conversation.

Understanding the implications of each choice requires a deep dive into readability, SEO implications, and system compatibility. This exploration aims to provide website owners and SEO specialists with the insights needed to make informed decisions, optimizing for both search engine visibility and user engagement.

Let’s delve into the nuances of hyphen vs underscore in URL, seeking to identify the best practices for developing clear and effective digital pathways to your content.

Why Does URL Structure Matter?

A well-structured URL follows a specific format for a web address, uniquely identifying a webpage. This structure is crucial in search engine optimization (SEO) as search engine spiders rely on URLs for crawling and indexing web pages. Optimizing and structuring your URL effectively helps these bots understand your webpage’s content and the overall hierarchy of your website, thus improving your website’s crawlability. 

Moreover, an optimized URL structure can greatly impact the speed at which your web pages appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). The faster search engines can crawl and index your pages, the sooner they can display them to users seeking relevant information.

Additionally, SEO-optimized URLs not only meet search engine algorithms but also enhance user experience. A clear and concise URL that accurately reflects the webpage’s content can simplify user understanding and navigation of your site. SEO service providers prefer hyphens over underscores in URLs for better search engine readability and optimization.

However, it’s important to note that while URL structure is crucial for SEO, it’s not the only factor determining search engine rankings. Other factors such as content quality, backlink authority, page loading speed, among others, also play a significant role in your position on SERPs. Therefore, while optimizing URL structure is important, it’s equally important to focus on other SEO aspects to maximize your website’s visibility and performance in search engine results.

Also Read: Parameter URLs – The Good and The Bad for SEO!

Using Hyphens In URLs

To grasp the importance of URL structure, let’s delve into a key topic: hyphens versus underscores.

Hyphens in URLs offer several advantages:

  1. Readability

Hyphens play a crucial role in enhancing URL readability. They create a clear structure by separating words, aiding both search engines and users in quickly comprehending the content of a webpage.

Hyphens serve as visual guides, especially when dealing with multiple words, making it easier to grasp the topic at a glance. This improved readability contributes to a positive user experience, allowing visitors to swiftly assess the relevance of a page based on its URL.

  1. SEO Advantage

Search engines interpret hyphens as word separators, which benefits content indexing and ranking. When a URL contains hyphens, search engine bots can more efficiently parse the individual words within the URL, gaining a clearer understanding of the webpage’s content.

This improved comprehension increases the likelihood of the page appearing in relevant search results, ultimately enhancing its visibility and attracting organic traffic. By strategically incorporating hyphens into URLs, website owners can optimize their pages for better search engine performance.

  1. Accessibility and User Friendliness

Hyphens help improve accessibility for individuals utilizing assistive technologies like screen readers and voice assistants. These technologies depend on precise word separation to interpret and vocalize URLs accurately. 

Through the use of hyphens to separate words in URLs, website owners can guarantee that their content remains accessible to a wide-ranging audience, irrespective of their chosen browsing method. This dedication to accessibility improves the overall user experience and fosters inclusivity across the web.

  1. Consistency

Consistency in URL structure is crucial for facilitating a smooth browsing experience. Webmasters can achieve this by employing hyphens consistently in URLs across their websites. This uniform approach streamlines website upkeep and strengthens its overall organization and structure. Visitors can then navigate the site intuitively, resulting in heightened engagement and satisfaction.

Furthermore, maintaining consistency in URL structure can have a favorable impact on SEO. It can improve crawlability and indexing, thereby enhancing the site’s visibility in search results.

  1. User Engagement Across Platforms

Hyphenated URLs offer search engine optimization benefits and enhance user engagement across different platforms. When shared on social media or through email, URLs with hyphens are visually appealing and easier to comprehend.

Users can quickly gauge the relevance of the linked content just by looking at the URL, resulting in increased click-through rates and user engagement. Utilizing hyperlinks to improve URL clarity and coherence allows website owners to promote their content efficiently and attract traffic to their pages.

By incorporating hyphens in URLs, you ensure clarity and relevance, encouraging users to visit your pages confidently.

Also Read: Unlock 2024’s Top SEO Trends: Start Implementing Today for Maximum Visibility! 

Using Underscores In URLs

Hyphens in URLs provide better readability and compatibility compared to underscores, offering several advantages worth considering.

  1. Readability Concerns

When it comes to readability, URLs with hyphens are significantly more user-friendly than those with underscores. For example, let’s compare the readability of two URLs:

Version 1: www.yoursite.com/blog-article/how-to-build-an-ecommerce-store/

Version 2: www.yoursite.com/blog_article/how_to_build_an_ecommerce_store/

Clearly, version 1, which uses hyphens, is easier for users to read and understand than version 2 with underscores. This readability factor is crucial for improving user experience and facilitating navigation on your website.

  1. Compatibility Issues

Another important consideration is compatibility with various web servers and content management systems. Some older platforms may struggle to process URLs containing underscores, leading to potential technical issues such as broken links. These compatibility challenges can impede users’ access to your web pages, thereby undermining the overall functionality and accessibility of your website.

  1. SEO Implications

Moreover, search engine optimization (SEO) considerations play a crucial role in URL structuring. Leading search engines like Google recommend using hyphens in URLs for better indexing and ranking purposes. By following this recommendation, websites can enhance their visibility and organic search performance. Conversely, choosing underscores may have a negative SEO impact, potentially affecting your site’s search engine rankings and online visibility.

What Does Google Recommend?

Google recommends using hyphens instead of underscores in SEO-friendly URLs for your website. This preference is grounded in Google’s official documentation, which explicitly outlines the advantages of hyphens. The rationale behind this recommendation is that hyphens help search engines like Google better understand the boundaries between words within the URL structure. This, in turn, facilitates a more accurate interpretation of the URL’s content.

Conversely, the use of underscores poses the risk that search engines may interpret the entire string as a single word. This could potentially lead to a misinterpretation of the URL’s content and structure.

It’s crucial to ensure that search engines correctly interpret the words within your URL. For instance, distinguishing between “link building strategies” as separate words rather than one continuous string is important. As highlighted by Google executive Gary Illyes, underscores present challenges for segmentation, hence the recommendation for using hyphens instead.

Difficulty in reading individual words within your URL can negatively impact your page’s visibility in relevant searches, ultimately affecting your rankings. Therefore, it’s important to use hyphens appropriately in your page URLs to improve readability and assist search engines in establishing relevance more effectively. This ultimately enhances the overall SEO performance of your website.

Hyphens Vs Underscores: Best URL Practices

We have consistently emphasized the importance of using hyphens and underscores appropriately. So, what exactly is the correct approach? Let’s examine the best practices below.

  1. Adhere To A Consistent URL Structure

Ensuring a standardized URL structure across all website pages is vital for consistency and user experience. Hyphens should be used judiciously to separate words in URLs, aiding readability and SEO. 

However, excessive hyphenation can make URLs cumbersome and less user-friendly. Optimal URLs are concise, containing one or two relevant keywords to represent the page’s content accurately. This approach improves search engine ranking and makes it easier for visitors to navigate and understand the website’s structure. 

Therefore, while hyphens are beneficial, their usage should be balanced to maintain an effective and user-friendly URL structure.

  1. Avoid Using Hyphens In Domain Names

Hyphens in domain names should be avoided due to several drawbacks:

  • Difficulty in Recall: Domain names with hyphens are more challenging for users to remember. If individuals forget to include the hyphen when typing the URL, they might end up on a different website instead of yours. This can result in a loss of potential traffic to your site.
  • Perception by Search Engines: Google sometimes interprets domain names with hyphens as attempts to manipulate search rankings through keyword stuffing. This could lead to your site receiving lower rankings in search results, affecting its visibility and traffic.
  • Trustworthiness Impression: The presence of hyphens in a domain name may create an impression of untrustworthiness among other webmasters. This could hinder your ability to establish credibility and obtain high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites.
  1. Remove Stop Words And Dates

Constructing URLs involves removing numbers and stop words like “to,” “with,” and “the” to improve readability and streamline web addresses. This simplification is crucial, especially when plugins auto-generate URLs.

  1. Use Lowercase Letters

Using lowercase letters is standard for URL characters. Consistency in letter case matters because web servers may interpret uppercase and lowercase differently, leading to duplicate content issues that harm SEO performance. Ensure all URL letters are lowercase to prevent such problems.

  1. Utilizing Underscores In URLs For UTM Parameter Tracking

Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters are invaluable tools for analyzing online traffic sources, enhancing the efficacy of digital marketing strategies. These parameters include details such as source, medium, campaign, term, and content, and are extensively used for tracking purposes.

In the realm of UTM parameter tracking, the deliberate inclusion of underscores (_) within URLs is crucial. Underscores act as distinct separators between words within parameters, facilitating accurate reading and recording by analytics tools.

The rationale behind choosing underscores lies in their consistent interpretation as unique characters, unlike other symbols like hyphens, which may be misconstrued as spaces. Consequently, underscores ensure the reliable tracking and reporting of UTM parameters.

For example, consider a Facebook campaign named “summer_sale_2024.” Incorporating underscores enables precise identification of this campaign in reports generated by tools like Google Analytics, providing exact data for analysis. Without underscores, the lack of distinction between words could lead to misinterpretation and erroneous data.

Harnessing underscores within UTMs empowers marketers to make well-informed decisions, optimize ad performance, and ultimately maximize the returns on their marketing investments.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the debate over hyphens versus underscores in URL structure has persisted for years. However, Google consistently recommends using hyphens. Incorporating hyphens into your URL improves readability, accessibility, social engagement, and search engine rankings. Therefore, following Google’s advice to use hyphens is crucial for maximizing SEO benefits and optimizing your web content’s performance.


What are the valid symbols in the URL?

In URLs, there are reserved and unreserved characters. Reserved characters, like colons, slashes, question marks, and others, have special meanings and are reserved for specific purposes within URLs. Unreserved characters, including alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, periods, and tildes, have no special meanings and can be used in URLs without encoding. While these characters are generally valid, some may require percent-encoding in specific contexts to prevent misinterpretation, such as spaces being encoded as “%20”.

Are there any instances where underscores might be preferred over hyphens?

While hyphens are generally preferred, underscores might be preferred in situations where the visual appearance of the URL is less critical, such as in internal systems or where consistency with existing naming conventions is important.

Do hyphens in URLs affect SEO?

Yes, hyphens in URLs can affect SEO. Search engines generally consider hyphens as word separators, which can improve the readability and interpretability of the URL for both search engines and users. Hyphens help search engines understand the individual words in the URL, making it easier to determine the page’s relevance to specific search queries.

What is the standard format of a URL?

 typical URL comprises a scheme (e.g., “http://”), domain (“www.example.com”), path (“/path/to/resource”), optional query parameters (“?param1=value1&param2=value2”), and fragment identifier (“#section1”). This structured format facilitates resource access with components like protocol, location, and data parameters.

Navneet Kaushal
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