Fun Yes or No Questions to Ask For Office Games in 2025

Yes or no questions are short questions with one-word answers that help people get to know each other better. The goal of these prompts is to bring groups closer together while having fun. These games are often easier to play than other conversation games because there are only two possible responses. You can use these fun Yes or No questions to add a funny twist to your everyday conversations, or play a game of questions with some of your favorite people!

They are also ideal for icebreakers or delving deep into a friend’s mind! This is a fantastic way to reconnect with family or old and new friends! 

These phrases can be used in question games and are similar to icebreaker questions and This or That questions.

Here we have curated a list of Yes or No questions that you can utilize in the game. This list includes:

  • Funny yes or no questions
  • Adults must answer yes or no questions
  • Kids’ yes or no questions
  • Workplace yes or no questions
  • Difficult yes or no questions
  • Yes or no questions to ask your friends
  • Couples’ yes or no questions

Funny Yes Or No Questions

These funny questions will surely make you laugh your heart out. Try them with friends and family to create a fun and chilling environment.

  1. Do you refer to all dogs as ‘puppies’?
  2. Do you enjoy pia coladas?
  3. Do you ever pick your nose when no one is looking?
  4. Have you ever worn your underwear on two consecutive days?
  5. Have you ever lied about seeing a film?
  6. Do you ever converse with yourself?
  7. Do you ever communicate with your pets?
  8. Do you make up silly songs for your pets?
  9. Have you ever hidden a snack so that no one else can eat it first?
  10. Do you think you would make a good ninja?
  11. Do you ever tell your life story in your head as if you were in a movie?
  12. Do you still have faith in Santa?
  13. Do you like to sing in the shower?
  14. Do you talk to yourself in your sleep?
  15. Do you have a crush on a cartoon character?
  16. Would you ever date someone who resembled a relative?
  17. Do you think you and a future version of yourself would get along if you time traveled to this moment?
  18. Do you have an awkward nickname?
  19. Is it true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
  20. Have you ever lied about your birthday in order to receive a free dessert?
  21. Have you ever ordered takeout to avoid having to do the dishes?
  22. Have you ever found yourself saying to someone, “When I was your age…”
  23. Have you ever cheated while playing a board game?
  24. Do you usually learn the bad words in other languages before regular words?
  25. Are you an owl hiding inside a human robot?
  26. Have you ever made an absurd impulse purchase?
  27. Have you ever told a child a blatant lie?
  28. Have you ever taken candy from a child’s Halloween stash?
  29. Would you be surprised if I revealed that I was a spy?

Adults Must Answer Yes Or No Questions

Adults’ concentration time is better than kids’ and they also have the maturity to answer some quirky fun questions. So responses to these queries should only be seeked from adults.

  1. Do you cast your ballot?
  2. Do you have a car?
  3. Do you live by yourself?
  4. Do you have a spouse?
  5. Do you have any children?
  6. Do you have any animals?
  7. Are you the only child in your family?
  8. Do you have a full-time job?
  9. Do you enjoy your job?
  10. Do you work another job?
  11. Did you attend college?
  12. Do you work in a field for which you went to school?
  13. Did you pursue a graduate degree?
  14. Do you have any interests?
  15. Have you ever met a famous person?
  16. Have you ever appeared on television?
  17. Have you ever visited another country?
  18. Have you ever visited New York City?
  19. Do you have an undiscovered talent?
  20. Do you consume coffee?
  21. Do you participate in sports?
  22. Have you ever given a performance on stage?
  23. Have you ever been a member of a band?
  24. Do you enjoy cilantro?
  25. Do you have faith in ghosts?
  26. Are you currently watching any TV shows?
  27. Have you recently read any good books?
  28. Would you ever participate in a game show?
  29. Do you like Harry Potter?
  30. Have you known any of your friends since you were a child?
  31. Have you lived in another country before?
  32. Do you know how to speak more than one language?
  33. Do you know how to programme?
  34. Do you have any Bitcoin?
  35. Do you like to bake?
  36. Have you ever traveled by car?
  37. Have you ever been issued a speeding ticket?
  38. Have you recently attended a live rock concert?
  39. Have you ever tried your hand at stand-up comedy?
  40. Can you recite Pi to a multiple of ten digits?
  41. Do you have twins or triplets?
  42. Have you ever been a part of a wedding reception?
  43. Do you enjoy riding a motorcycle?
  44. Do you keep up with the news?
  45. Have you ever composed a song for someone else?

Kids’ Yes Or No Questions

  1. Do you have a best friend?
  2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  3. Are your brothers and sisters bothersome?
  4. Do you know how to count to 1000?
  5. Do you have a fear of the dark?
  6. Have you got a favorite superhero?
  7. Do you know what your parents’ first names are?
  8. Do your parents ever make you feel embarrassed?
  9. Have you got a favorite dinosaur?
  10. Do you understand why the sky is blue?
  11. Can you pronounce onomatopoeia?
  12. Have you ever told your parents a lie?
  13. Do you enjoy ice cream?
  14. Do you enjoy broccoli?
  15. Have you ever won a competition?
  16. Have you ever been a member of a sports team?
  17. Do you assist your parents with housework?
  18. Have you been grounded before?
  19. Have you got a favorite aunt or uncle?
  20. Have you ever had a bone broken?
  21. Have you ever received stitches?
  22. Do you have any cooking skills?
  23. Do you have any experience riding a bike?
  24. Do you have any swimming skills?
  25. Do you enjoy spiders?
  26. Have you ever attended a summer camp?
  27. Do you have a fictitious pal?
  28. Have you ever hooked a fish?
  29. Have you ever had a sleepover?
  30. Have you ever been up close and personal with a lion?
  31. Are you able to make a dolphin noise?
  32. Have you ever relocated to another city?
  33. Have you ever read a book with 100 pages?

Workplace Yes Or No Questions

If you wish to create a fun and friendly environment at your workplace then these questions might just do! They will remind everyone of the importance of HR policies and make the aura a bit more friendly. 

  1. Do you feel like you have a place at work?
  2. Is this your first position?
  3. Is this the job you fantasized about as a child?
  4. Do you like your job?
  5. Do you ever use social media to look up your coworkers?
  6. Have you ever taken another employee’s lunch from the break room fridge?
  7. Do you work well while listening to music?
  8. Do you like working on team projects?
  9. Would you keep working if you won the lottery?
  10. Have you ever had a bad interview experience?
  11. Have you ever worked as a manager?
  12. Would you accept a lower-paying job if it meant you’d be happier?
  13. Do you understand how to send a fax?
  14. Do you ever put off doing something at work?
  15. Have you ever pulled a practical joke on your boss?
  16. Would you socialize with your coworkers outside of the workplace?
  17. Do you enjoy working early in the morning?
  18. Do you ever work past 12 a.m.?
  19. Do you ever check your emails after hours?
  20. Have you ever quit a job without giving your employer two weeks’ notice?
  21. Have you ever worked for a relative?
  22. Do you enjoy working with numbers?
  23. Do you prefer artistic endeavors?
  24. Do you prefer general guidelines over specific instructions?
  25. Do you enjoy working alone?
  26. Do you keep your workstation clean?
  27. Are you still in contact with former coworkers?
  28. Do you consistently achieve inbox zero?
  29. Do you manage any large projects?
  30. Do you enjoy being in charge?
  31. Do you perform well under duress?
  32. Do you consistently meet deadlines?
  33. Have you ever worked in another field?
  34. Do you like interacting with customers?
  35. Have you ever taken an unflattering employee identification photo?
  36. Have you ever hit “reply all” on an email by accident?
  37. Do you take a piece of a sheet cake if it’s available in the office kitchen?
  38. Do you prefer to work from home?

Difficult Yes Or No Questions

Some difficult yes or no questions that anyone would think twice before answering!

  1. For a million dollars, would you betray a friend?
  2. Would you give up a loved one to help a dozen strangers?
  3. Would you relive your entire life if given the chance?
  4. Do you think there is an afterlife?
  5. Would you want to know what other people really thought of you if you could?
  6. Would you want to know the names of everyone who has ever had a crush on you?
  7. Would you want to know if a stranger told you they knew a dark secret about your parents?
  8. Would you put your life in danger to save a stranger?
  9. Would you accept responsibility for a major crime in order to save your best friend’s life?
  10. Do you believe in the existence of justice?
  11. Would you want to meet your biological parents if you were adopted?
  12. Would you pretend to die in order to save your family?
  13. Would you want to be a millionaire if that meant never finding true love?
  14. Would you want to know how you were going to die if you could?
  15. Would you agree to have certain memories erased if you could?
  16. Would you accept a stranger’s offer to give your family a million dollars in exchange for ten years in prison?
  17. Would you ever start a romantic relationship if you knew you’d be breaking up in three years?
  18. Would you believe an authority figure if they accused one of your loved ones of doing something terrible?
  19. Would you take your dream job if one of the requirements was that you not communicate with your family and friends for a year?
  20. Would you have difficulty deciding who to help if you were appointed to a committee that decided who received organ transplants?
  21. Would you do it if you could bring a loved one back to life but they would have no memory of you?
  22. Do you know what you would do if you found out the world was ending in 30 minutes?
  23. Would you be satisfied with how your life turned out if it all ended tomorrow?
  24. Do you expect to have any regrets when you’re 90?
  25. Would you give up one of your six senses to gain magical abilities?

Yes Or No Questions To Ask Your Friends

If your friends are ready to answer some questions then head over to this section and find some inspiration for the day.

  1. Do you know what my middle name is?
  2. Do you know what day it is?
  3. Have you ever had a crush on one of my siblings?
  4. Would you ever plan a surprise birthday party for me?
  5. Would you answer the phone if I called you in the middle of the night?
  6. Do you recall our first meeting?
  7. Would you ever assist me in moving?
  8. Do you have a favorite memory from our time together?
  9. Have I ever revealed a secret to you?
  10. Do you have the ability to keep secrets?
  11. Do you notice when I’m upset?
  12. Can you tell when I have a crush on someone?
  13. Have you ever spent the night at my house?
  14. Would you ever consider sharing a room with me?
  15. Would you come to see me if I lived in a different country?
  16. Would you tell me if I stank?
  17. Would you defend me even if you knew I was wrong?
  18. Would you ever make me look bad on a first date?
  19. Would you seek my counsel?
  20. Would you join me on a road trip?
  21. Would you let me know if I had something stuck in my teeth?
  22. Would you let me know if you didn’t like my hair?
  23. Would you be willing to share your fries with me?
  24. Would you like to join me on my vacation?
  25. Have you ever said something nice behind my back about me?
  26. Do you know how to make me happy?
  27. Would you abandon me in a haunted house?

Couples’ Yes Or No Questions

If you want to spice up your long distance relationship then yes or no questions might be your best bet! They do not require too many resources and are fun to play at the same time.

  • Do you have feelings for me?
  • Do you think I’m attractive?
  • Have you ever dated a former lover?
  • Have you ever dated a friend’s ex-girlfriend?
  • Are you still in contact with any of your ex-partners?
  • Have you ever ended a relationship via text message?
  • Have you ever dated someone who was disliked by your best friend?
  • Have you ever dated someone who was disliked by your family?
  • Have you ever forgotten your significant other’s birthday?
  • Have you ever spent more than $100 on a gift for a significant other?
  • Have you ever taken a vacation with your partner?
  • Have you been married before?
  • Have you ever gotten married?
  • Do you sleep with the blankets?
  • Are you a snorer?
  • Do I have any habits that irritate you?
  • Do you ever lie to spare my feelings?
  • Do you enjoy surprises?
  • Do you have a close relationship with your family?
  • Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
  • Is there a song that makes you think of me?
  • Have you ever shared a home with someone?
  • Have you ever gone on a blind date before?
  • Have you ever declared your love for someone less than a month after meeting them?
  • Do you enjoy discussing your emotions?
  • Do you think about soulmates?
  • Do you enjoy eating out?
  • Do you like surprises?
  • Could you ever date someone who holds opposing political beliefs to you?
  • Do you think you should “never go to bed angry?”
  • Do you enjoy cooking?
  • Are you a slob?
  • Would you be willing to share your Netflix password with me?
  • Do you believe my pet has feelings for you?

Final Thoughts

Fun Yes or no questions serve as a simple, quick, and enjoyable getting to know you activity that can help groups bond and feel more at ease with one another. These prompts can sometimes yield unexpected results, and they frequently spark lively conversation that lasts long after the game has ended. Because there are only two possible answers, these prompts are usually low-pressure. Also, because answering these questions does not take long, you can use them during lulls in conversations, breaks in meetings, or leftover time at events. These prompts are an excellent way to break up awkward silences and get groups talking.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can be a good ice breaker at the workplace?

There are various games and activities that can be fun and ice breaker at the same time. One of them is interesting and fun Yes or No questions.

What are some fun questions to ask?

We have shared more than a hundred fun Yes or No questions in the post above. Please go through them.

Navneet Kaushal
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