Babies and Babas day out – has to be by a woman not me or you!

We people had a great day out yesterday. We all went for the movie Salaam Namaste. Everybody was too excited as we got into the mini bus. The scene reminded me of the school days! Remember, the way we were enthusiastic about those school picnics. I felt the same excitement around. Away from worries about meeting the deadlines and other pressures, we almost forgot we are no longer school kids! And then something more to set the picnic mood. We started singing songs, all from the movie and in no time we reached the theater. Guess what I realized after about half an hour of the movie?? That nobody was seeing the movie!! Yes some were busy giving their valuable comments for the movie. I heard somebody heartily appreciating Priety Zinta’s wardrobe for the movie. Mike was either too busy to watch the movie or he loves his cell phone games more than Zinta. I saw him engrossed playing game on his cell phone. And me. I was discussing with Caren how cute Saif Ali was looking in the movie!

The movie ended and we all headed to a restaurant to binge. Obviously, discussions on the movie had to follow. Expert reviews came out from each one of us. Though some of us did not agree on the subject of the movie (that is on live-in relationships) but all of us did agree on one thing that it was a superb day and a nice break from the daily routine.

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Ritu Sharma
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